What Clients are Saying

  • Ruth has shown a rare ability to connect with our son and to draw out his own successful responses to academic and personal challenges. She has helped John help himself in reversing an alarming downturn in his progress at school. She has gone from being a resource and coach to a friend of the family.


  • To me, Ruth isn't so much a therapist or a tutor, but a big sister. Because of that, our time is much more productive and qualitative. She's not only helped solve my problems in school, but was an understanding friend while working with me. When I do have a problem, I know I can go to her to talk about it when nobody else will listen. Ruth is a good person, and I am truly grateful to her for her help, support, and friendship.


  • As a single parent of three teenagers, I don't know what I would have done without Ruth. She is a wonder! She helped us through trying times to a success story. My daughter and I still give thanks for the day we first met Ruth. Ruth helped guide my teenager through a very difficult period. I am happy to say that this difficult time is over. My daughter and Ruth are still friends. I don't know what we would have done without her!


  • When I started meeting with Ruth, I really needed someone to talk to, and I also needed serious help with school. All of my papers were crumpled and a mess, and I had no organization at all. Ruth has an organization system that makes everything a lot less confusing. Everyone learns differently and Ruth knows this. She builds that important foundation with you, drawing from her years as an educator. Most importantly, Ruth is an advocate. She is on your side and wants you to succeed, not just with school but in life as well.


  • Ruth Rosio took a defiant, D & F student who was struggling with the effects of ADHD and turned her into an excellent student who was accepted into a highly competitive college. This all occurred incredibly within three and a half years. Our daughter learned how to cope with her disabilities and how to capitalize on her strengths. Ruth taught us how to successfully deal with our daughter's anger and how to use discipline in a more effective way at home. After completing her initial session, our daughter got into the car and said, "Ruth is the very first person who understands me". Much of Ruth's success with adolescents is based on her sense of empathy and understanding. We attribute a great deal of our daughter's success today to Ruth's teaching and influence and are very greatful for her passion for young people.


  • When my mother told me I was going to see Ruth for the first time, I rolled my eyes and laughed. After all, I had already seen several tutors and counselors, but I hadn't recieved the help I really needed, and I certainly didn't want any more. Little did I know that Ruth would become not only the most valuable teacher in my life, but also a great mentor and friend. She taught me discipline and positive ways of thinking and behaving through confronting my defiant behaviors. She worked with me to improve my study habits. Most importantly, she believed in me and taught me that I was worth working for. Now after graduating cum laude from college and currently applying to doctoral programs, I can scarcely believe Ruth's influence on my life. She was instrumental in transforming a disillusional and defiant out-of-control high school student into a confident and successful young woman. I continue, through her counsel and example, to grow as an individual, always striving to gain new insight into myself, God, and others. Thanks, Ruth!


  • I really struggled through my freshman and sophomore years of high school, but after working with Ruth for just a few months, I made the honor roll both semesters of my junior year. I have a lot of fun working with Ruth, and the skills for organization and other aspects of learning she has given me will be helpful in college and beyond. Ruth really understands teens, which is a rarity. I enjoy every session I have with her.


  • I have met and worked with Ruth two separate times in my life for two different reasons. I first worked with her while a freshman in high school, needing help with organization and planning. Through this time, I got better with my day to day structure and organization concerning my academic life in high school. I still use several skills and training that I gained from her over 10 years ago. Most recently, I have been meeting with Ruth, as I've been needing a life coach. I have been seeing her these past 4 1/2 months now, and I'm already seeing great transformations in my life. I am starting to think in new ways, to be more aware of myself and my thoughts, and to understand how the everyday choices I make affect my life. Ruth has and is truly helping me in becoming the best person I can be. ​ I strongly recommend people to work with her. She is simply the best one out there, due to her ability to connect with anyone, through her ability to teach and communicate effectively, and her amazing love for the 20's age group. You will not regret meeting with Ruth because she helps you find the best you.


  • I became a single mom when my son's father was killed in a car accident. It was at a critical age for a young boy as a pre-teen to experience such a loss. I didn't know were to turn. He didn't want to go to therapy, but I didn't know how to help him deal with all the grief issues that were surfacing. He had such intense anger and sadness, and he needed someone to understand him and help him through these feelings. He also had serious academic issues that needed outside guidance as well. ​ Then I found out about Ruth, and my son and I started separately and together going to see her. She has helped my son deal with the loss of his dad, as well as some other significant losses in his life. She also taught him effective tools he needed to become successful in school. Ruth became, through all this, our friend and a big sister and mentor to my son. Thanks to Ruth, I have a better understanding and appreciation for my teenage son and his unique struggles and strengths. She has helped me to see my son through new eyes by responding to him from where he is at, not from what my expectations are for him. We have both learned and have grown closer to each other. Her counsel and support have made a positive change in how we relate, and my son and I are continually grateful to Ruth!


  • Ruth Rosio's heart for young people is genuine and her students sense that she really cares! She motivates teens to achieve and gives them the organizational and study skills needed to enable them to be more successful in school and in life. We're grateful for the positive difference she's made in our son's life and highly recommend her.


  • I met Ruth when I lived in Colorado. I was 16 years old and in terrible shape. My dad had died a year and a half before I met Ruth, and I was a hard-core drug addict. I weighed 97 lbs. at 5' 11". I went through many psychiatrists and counselors. I was on probation for about a year. I was in a lot of different types of programs: a group home, in and out of mental hospitals for destructive behaviors, my drug problem, overdosing, and attempted suicide. As well, I was in a detox center, and one year at a three-quarter-way house for recovering addicts. I hung with a crowd that sold drugs, carried guns, and very violent people were all around. Very few of the programs I was in did me any good. They didn't know how to listen to me, and I didn't feel like they saw me or understood who I was. I felt hopeless and I was still using drugs. I always had one characteristic that I know was positive though. I still tried to find help to get better. I knew I needed help. Ruth is the definition of hope for me. If it wasn't for her, I would be dead. Over time, Ruth became a good friend and a mentor. She knew how to listen to me, and she understood where I was at. Ruth taught me how to change a lot of how I thought about things and life. Her style, a mixture of compassion and tough love, has taught me valuable life lessons that I had never learned. I can now function as a part of society. I no longer am a stranger to the community, a community I love because of Ruth.


  • Thanks to Ruth Rosio, my daughter has corrected years of poor study habits and is able to perform well at her grade level. Ruth understands my daughter's issues and works with her to manage them to develop a sense of personal accountability and better organizational and learning techniques that work for her. The result is improved self-esteem, independent study skills, and good grades.


  • It has been two years since you worked with our daughter. You are a miracle worker!! She has continued to utilize the skills you taught her. According to her teachers, her assignment notebook is a work of art. She has matured so much over the last year. We want to thank you again for a job well done! You really helped all of us get on the right track. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


  • As a high school student, Ruth showed me that underneath all of the disorganization of ADHD, I had potential. She became my friend as well as my teacher helping me to organize my school work, my job, and my relationships. I now use these new skills every day, and I'm thankful for this "second chance" Ruth has given me.


  • Ruth Rosio worked with my son, Stephen, for approximately 15 months. Stephen has ADHD and lacked many important organizational and study skills that we felt he would need in order to succeed in college. She taught him a step by step process of how to take notes, organize papers, plan out his week, break down his assignments into doable tasks, read his textbooks, prioritize the importance of assignments, and estimate the length of time required for each of these tasks. My son was not overly enthusiastic about learning all of these skills but Ruth was able to quickly form a connection with him in order to gain his respect and willingness to learn. That was the key component required for him in order to move forward! She took an interest in his interests which really helped motivate him. Ruth also had a sense for when to push and when to pause in order to not “loose” him when he was struggling emotionally. Ruth is very energetic which is one of the reasons I believe she is successful in working with children, teens and young adults. Ruth has years of experience and valuable knowledge that will be an asset in helping many more future students!


What Colleagues Are Saying

  • Ruth has a special gift for helping adolescents and young adults overcome learning and behavioral difficulties. This gift of skill is matched by her genuine love of working with teens and their parents. Ruth has such a unique ability in teaching how to study productively, to cope effectively, and to solve problems. As well, when some teens and young adults have gone to other therapists or have tried other types of educational help, they have not found the help and understanding they needed. Ruth has a unique approach that is effective with these hard-to-reach young people, or simply those who haven't found help elsewhere. I highly endorse Ruth and the work she does.


  • If you or someone you love struggles with attention and learning difficulties, I highly recommend Ruth Rosio as a coach. The concept of academic and behavioral coaching is just as powerful as athletic coaching. Ruth can help you identify your priorities, change your unproductive behaviors, and begin to maximize the potential you know is there. Everyone could use a coach, but for some children and adults, a coach can make the difference between success versus frustration and failure.


  • I am a certified addictions counselor that has had the opportunity to work with Ruth on several cases. I am quite impressed with her tenacious approach, balanced with a great understanding and respect for individual needs through the ability to empathize. She has proven herself to be professional, knowledgeable, and effective in her work with colleagues as well as clients.